when you want to say
welcome home!
how do you do it?

Just say welcome home with signs, streamers, balloons, bubbles, flowers, favourite meals, candles in the windows, wreaths on the doors, twinkle lights in the trees, fresh rolls, a bubble bath, scented candles, hot tea, turned down bed linens, soft slippers, an easy chair and a foot stool, cards and small gifts, a cool drink or a mug of cocoa, a back rub, a foot massage, waiting at the window---nose to the glass, vegetables and dip, cheese and crackers, a hammock and iced tea, a phone off the hook, a hot meal and fresh bread, perfume and freshly brushed hair, a pot of soup and sour-dough rolls, a big hug and a kiss, a smile and laughter.

All of these say welcome home...

Say welcome home, and mean it from the heart.

More Welcome Home ideas...


The Red Cross has some ideas to help people
who are returning home from difficult situations. 
They've prepared a file for your encouragement.

Would you be willing to take in a person or a family who just lost their home, a loved one,
or a business to fire, flood or death?
Most of us never think about what it would be like  to be destitute and what it would mean
to have someone reach out and say welcome home. 
What would you do?
What would you home another would do for you?