Do or Dwell
Sandy Willoughby

When the heart is heavy, and we suffer from depression or disappointment, how thankful we should be that we still have work and prayer left to comfort us. Occupations forcibly diverts the mind; prayer sweetly soothes the soul.

"Then," writes one who had been sorely tried, "I tell my grief's to God, as a child tells its troubles to its mother; and when I have told all I am comforted, and repeat with a lightened heart the prayer of S. Francoise de Chantal (who certain suffered more than I), 'Thy will be done for ever and ever, O LORD, without if or but,' . . . and then, for fear a murmur may arise in my heart, I return immediately to my work, and become absorbed in occupation.   Gold Dust (1880)

Dear Sisters,

I am not depressed this morning and my heart isn't heavy. The disappointment I was feeling in my attitude and behavior has been washed away by God's grace and I am filled with hope for the beauty I'll find in today. My attitude still isn't what it should be but I know that I don't have to work on it by my own strength! I can keep handing it over to God and let Him battle it out and win:)

Yesterday, I hit a point around evening time where I was angry, bitter, and frustrated. It all came pouring out when dinner time came and I wasn't prepared for it. I had the meat thawed in the fridge, some bread out to butter, and many available canned or frozen vegetables on hand for side dishes but the sink was filled up with stove top burners, knobs, and other pieces. The oven would have to be cleaned from a grease spill (necessitating the soaking of the burner grates and all the rest) before it could be used.

I was unloading the dishwasher, broke a plate, and just turned into a complaining and mean woman!

My attitude was blamed on my broken washer and the fact that I was on week number 7 without one. I griped against the appliance company, their horrid service, and "lies" of mailed parts and so on. I raised my voice to the very air around me about how fed up I am with walking through a path and to our in laws every time I had to do a load of laundry... how I couldn't keep up with cooking, the kitchen, the house, or anything else when I couldn't keep up with the laundry itself.   By the time I stopped my "fit" ... I had gone on about not knowing how to cook cube steaks for a recipe on the menu, hating dirty and sticky floors ..."with a passion" ... and more.

I was breathing hard and not wanting to stop... not having one speck of desire to calm my emotions... and really just getting lost in my anger and hoping to stay there.

Over the years, our Holy Spirit has taught me that I will never have control over myself and that I must relinquish any control I might feel over to the Lord... especially when my very spirit knows that I am wrong and sinning. My anger and frustration wasn't a sin in themselves... but how I handled them was.

"I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin." Romans 7:25

I sat down here and just thought a prayer for God to help me and to stop the raging waves of self pity and self absorption and decided to share what I was feeling with you:)

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." Matthew 26:41

The LORD opened up a book before me by guiding my hands to its worn little cover and what I read is what I shared at the top of this letter. His peace and His love and His never failing mercy met me and embraced me and guess what? All the negative fell down and disappeared to make room for His strength.

"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Had the Lord not touched upon my life... my heart... when I reached out for Him... I would have taken my anger to a stronger level. I probably would have yelled and screamed through the house, been a wretch to my husband and children, and more.
It is always horrible when I function from myself and nothing good comes from it. Every single time I lay my heart, soul, spirit, and all down at the Feet of Christ Jesus... HE lifts me up and lifts me out of whatever muddy hole I've dug for myself.

Why don't I always turn to Him? Why is it that so many times I neglect to call out to Him when I need Him to overcome me? It is the stubborn flesh and it would be frightening if I didn't have His Word that He has already overcome my worldly side and His light shines through so that I can choose the spiritual side of living ... with His help:)

"It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." John 6:63

I'm still finding that mad and mean attitude lurking around every corner but God is equipping me with what I need to deal with it.

Romans 8:5: "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit."

I have always wondered why there is such a load of things to do and such work to accomplish during times when we are dealing with frustrations or sorrows. Now, I see that God allows so much to do to keep us busy enough that our mind doesn't dwell on the problems before us. He knows us so well, doesn't He? He sees ---even when I sure don't --- that I need to be fruitful in my work and activity to keep my mind busy in Him instead of in whatever I'm dealing with. Is it the same with you? When burdens of various sorts hang over your day and the things on your to do list pile up before your eyes... do you think all you must do helps steer you from all you must endure?

Precious reader, if your heart is heavy with depression and disappointment... I urge you to find solace in the arms of Christ Jesus. He is in the Word and His all pours from that Word into your heart.   If you are tired, tried, angry, frustrated --any or all of those --- turn your focus to Jesus. Let the Lord light up your life like nothing else can.

Call on Jesus...
He is your savior in and over everything and He will rescue you... even from yourself sometimes:)


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The LORD has blessed me in my friend Sandy.  Her work is posted here at A Christian Home to encourage and inspire you.  May the LORD use her experiences to bless and help you as you serve the LORD and your family in  your home. ---pamela


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